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19-20 April 2016, OECD Conference Centre, Paris 

  • Developing a long-term vision for clean trade
  • Preventing corruption in customs
  • Protecting your supply chain
  • Improving your business in emerging markets
  • Countering illicit trade


International trade is a motor of the global economy and represents increasingly large volumes of exchanged goods, services, and financial flows. Yet, corruption in the trade chain hampers economic activity and entails important health and safety risks for societies. Thus, anti-corruption measures protecting the cross-border trade chain not only produce advantages for the economy in general, but also for private companies, the public sector and society as a whole.

The 2016 edition of the OECD Integrity Forum will put the spotlight on this hidden tariff, bringing stakeholders around the table to identify how they can efficiently and effectively mitigate the challenges of corruption in trade through policy actions and cooperative anti-corruption efforts.


High-level speakers will tackle the issues of corruption that impact global trade, informal sessions will provide an opportunity to examine solutions in greater depth, authors, academics and students will share their findings during poster presentations, and lunch debates and roundtable discussions will give you the opportunity to share your experience directly with your peers.

In addition to trade-related sessions, the programme will also feature pressing integrity issues, such as the refugee crisis or the growing demand for evidence-based policy recommendations.

Integrity Forum Agenda Snip‌‌‌‌


POSTER PResentations

The OECD invited proposals that feature high quality conceptual and empirical research on topics related to integrity and trade, including on Customs, Supply Chain, Risk Assessment Tools and Illicit Trade.

Selected papers will be published in an OECD publication and on the OECD Cleangovbiz-website. Moreover, the authors of the selected papers will have the opportunity to present their paper at the 2016 OECD Integrity Forum in form of a poster presentation.

The proposals are now being assessed. Results will be communicated early February.

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