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Anti-corruption has been one of the priorities of both G20 and B20 in recent years. This year’s B20 Anti-Corruption Forum will have “Combating corruption to foster sustainable growth” as its theme. Topics to be discussed include enhancing anti-corruption capacity, sharing anti-corruption experience between multinational corporations and companies from emerging markets, and building a better policy environment for anti-corruption.

About 200 leaders from enterprises, chambers of commerce and associations from G20 members, as well as representatives of international organizations are cordially invited to attend the forum.

We look forward to your precious attendance and joint efforts to promote the anti-corruption momentum!


  • Theme: Combating Corruption to Foster Sustainable Growth
  • Date: April 27, 2016
  • Venue: Grand Hyatt Hotel, Beijing, China

09:00-10:20       Opening Ceremony

10:20-10:50       Coffee Break

10:50-12:30       Panel 1: Building Capacity for Compliance and Anti-Corruption Efforts

12:30-14:00       Networking Lunch

14:00-15:40       Panel 2: Sharing Anti-Corruption Experience between Multinational Corporations and Emerging Market Companies

15:40-16:00       Coffee Break

16:00-17:40       Panel 3: Shaping a Better Anti-Corruption Policy Environment

Participants’ Guide

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